Segmentos emocionales

Collin Ingram

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Leveraging emotion for greater returns

Advances in neuroscience has confirmed what many of us have suspected all along. Emotion is critical to the development of successful brands.

Now we know for sure, that when consumers engage with brands they know and love, there are positive emotional patterns in the brain.

But this breakthrough hasn′t led to the marketing nirvana many had hoped for. That's because the end goal of marketing is not to make our brains light up. Brands need to be driven by a clear purpose grounded in emotion.

A clear brand purpose leads to a well-defined brand strategy. But you don't get a return on brand strategy until you execute it well. Executing strategy consistently is the real challenge for today's marketers.

With the changing media and digital environment there more touchpoints to manage, traditional ones are losing traction, and new ones have their own particular ways of operating. How is it possible to execute a strategy consistently across all touchpoints?

Emotion, used well, can make a brand irresistible to consumers, with a proven ROI. This paper will show how to successfully navigate emotion across the diverse range of touchpoints available to today's marketers.